Welcome to Nick of Time Foundation

Emergency Action Plan Program

Emergency Response Action Plans

NoTF is working to train the next generation of “first responders”. Let’s teach our students to be “HEARTSafe” with heart health awareness, training in “hands-only” CPR, how to use AED’s and steps to take in case of an emergency. Our schools and communities will then have the tools needed to create an effective Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in order to quickly implement the chain of survival. Imagine how many lives could be saved if all students learned CPR before graduation?

Fact: When you teach kids CPR in high school, middle school, or elementary school, you are strengthening community safety — and giving students skills they can carry into the future.


With an Emergency Action Plan, you can:

Identify an Emergency Response Team – The Emergency Response Team should include staff members with CPR/AED training, the school nurse, school administrators, health and physical education teachers, athletic directors, athletic trainers, coaches, and event advisors. Each member of the team should be familiar with the plan, and provide evaluations and updates as necessary.

Properly Place AEDs – The number of AEDs placed at a school should be sufficient to enable the response team to retrieve an AED and respond to a victim within two minutes of notification, both inside the school and on the school grounds. AEDs should have clear signage and should always be in locations that are accessible at all times.

Ensure AED Readiness & Maintenance – AEDs should be regularly checked and maintained according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Schools should designate a specific contact to verify AED readiness and maintenance.

Establish Emergency Response Plan – The Emergency Response Team should create a plan to follow in case of not only a cardiac event but any type of medical emergency. The plan should include properly calling 911 and assigning someone to meet the emergency responders, starting basic first aid, starting CPR, and using an AED.

Train Staff for Cardiac Events – The sooner an SCA victim receives care, including bystander CPR, the more likely they are to survive. An effective Emergency Action Plan calls for at least 10 percent of school staff – including the school nurse – to be trained in CPR and AED use. This training should include both cognitive and hands-on practice, with continuous training that helps to ensure readiness in the event of a cardiac emergency.

Notify School Community – The Cardiac Emergency Response Team should notify parents/guardians that the school has adopted a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan, and encourage everyone to be trained in CPR/AED use.

These carefully orchestrated responses to cardiac emergencies will help reduce deaths in school settings and can help ensure that chaos does not lead to an improper or inadequate response.

Learn how to Implement an AED program in your school, or read up on Legislation on CPR in schools.